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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, April 4, 2007 in the Meeting Room of the C. H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, CT. Chairman Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: William Rodgers, Timothy Holian, Daniel Amaral, Joseph Borst, David Brown, Jeffrey Capeci , Joseph DiCandido, Stacie Doyle, Keith Jacobs, Michael Iassogna, Patricia Llodra,  Francis Pennarola. ALSO PRESENT:  First Selectman Herb Rosenthal, Financial Director Ben Spragg, Schools Superintendent Dr. Evan Pitkoff, Assistant Schools Superintendent Alice Jackson, Schools Director of Business Ron Bienkowski, members of Boards of Education and Finance, approximately thirty members of public, one member of press.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 7, 2007 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Mr. Rodgers noted that prior to this meeting the Legislative Council’s Finance Subcommittee met and recommended to pass on to the Legislative Council the budget as amended by the Board of Finance. He asked that those present keep in mind that when you have made the sale….


Judge William Lavery, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the C. H. Booth Library, supports the budget as presented by the Board of Finance.

Mary Ann Jacob, 65 Mohawk Trail, is president of the Sandy Hook PTA. She is concerned with low voter turnout and feels that people don’t have information concerning what an increase will do to their taxes. She said that someone with a $300,000 home will have an increase of $28 per month if this budget is passed. Pass this budget as presented by the Board of Finance.

Phillip Truckle, 16 Equestrian Ridge Road, said that the Head o’Meadow PTA voted unanimously to support the budget. He feels it is important that no further cuts are made to the Board of Education budget.

Desiree Gallassie, 151 Huntingtown Road, is the Middle Gate PTA president. She is concerned that the budget may fail again this year. Move the Board of Ed budget forward. The Town lacks available straightforward information. Look more carefully into the debt service.

Gary Davis, 23 Charter Ridge Drive, said that a petition to amend the Fairfield Hills ordinance was presented at the last meeting and it was voted to send it forward to the town attorney. Please ask the attorney to take due haste. Do not table until the Charter Revision Commission does its work. Let us know whether or not you want to go forward with a Town Hall.

Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Drive, hopes that next budget season will be different. We need to have creative solutions to issues and we need a long range strategic plan.

COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Rodgers reported that a petition was received at the last meeting proposing modifications to the existing Fairfield Hills Ordinance. It was not formally referred to the Ordinance Committee. The Charter requires that the petition be submitted to the Town attorney for his opinion as to whether the Legislative Council can act and for the form of a resolution. It will then be forwarded to the Ordinance Committee. Mr. Rodgers said that the Legislative Council will not act until we have an adopted budget.


Ordinance. Mr. Pennarola reported that the Committee did not specifically discuss the petition but discussed in general whether the Legislative Council had the authority to amend or modify the ordinance. Ordinance did vote unanimously to seek an increase in the cap on the elderly tax relief ordinance #45-A from $750,000 to $950,000. Ordinances for noise, fire lanes and the Public Building and Site Committee are on the agenda.

Finance. Will report under New Business.

Education. No report.

FIRST SELECTMAN’S REPORT. Mr. Rosenthal received a request from the State General Assembly asking that Newtown not rely on the figures in the Governor’s budget. There is projected a net loss in revenue to Newtown of $185,000 (Att A to original minutes). CCM will attempt to have the Legislature and Governor work together to benefit municipalities. Mr. Brown requested a report on long term planning, especially public safety. Mr. Rosenthal distributed “Charge to Ad Hoc Strategic Long Range Planning Committee” (Att B to original minutes). He again presented this to the Board of Selectmen who have attempted to meet with officials of other municipalities who have such plans. Fire and ambulance personnel will be asked to attend a Legislative Council meeting to discuss this issue. Mr. Rosenthal said that the Board of Selectmen will defer action until after the Legislative Council can discuss this matter.



Discussion and possible amendment of elderly tax relief loss cap. Mr. Pennarola moved that the Legislative Council increase the cap for benefit in the elderly tax relief ordinance #45-A from the current $750,000 to $950,000. Second by Mr. Borst. Mr. Rosenthal noted that ten years ago the cap was $29,000. Mr. Rodgers noted that there are people in town who cannot absorb a $28 per month increase in taxes. Mr. Pennarola noted that those with incomes between $40,000 and $60,000 will receive a benefit of $825, those with income below $40,000 will benefit by $1,385. Motion unanimously carried.

Finance Committee. Mr. DiCandido reported that the Committee voted 4-2 to recommend the budget as presented by the Board of Finance. Mr. DiCandido moved to endorse the budget as presented by the Board of Finance consistent with their resolution of March 1, 2007 totaling $102,232,877 and that the Financial Director be authorized to make any mathematical corrections that might be required in the appropriations and revenue and report back to the Legislative Council. Second by Mr. Brown. Mr. DiCandido questioned why the Board of Ed budget increased 15% over two years with student growth of 23. Mr. Brown feels that this budget is in the best interests of the town. Mr. Holian said that the Legislative Council advocated line item review to the Board of Finance. Mr. Rodgers agrees with Mr. Holian but feels that the Legislative Council has a larger charge. Mr. Iassogna noted that the largest increases are in debt service, insurance and capital and non-recurring. Mr. Rosenthal said that Blue Cross will provide a 2% reduction in our premiums and that CCM is lobbying to eliminate the premium tax. Mrs. Llodra noted that we must base our recommendations on our own knowledge. She feels that we are passing on a budget that is in the best interest of the town. Mr. Jacobs questioned why the Board of Finance cut $581,000 from the Board of Ed when they had said that the Board of Ed budget was essentially justified. Mr. Amaral said taxes keep going up and we are losing older people. Cut 3% from both the Board of Ed and Board of Selectmen. Mr. Pennarola said the increase in the Police is needed and no further cuts should be made to the Board of Ed

Mr. Borst moved to amend the motion to increase the total from $102,232,877 by $250,000. Second by Mr. Jacobs. Mr. Borst requested this increase for the Board of Education budget for fuel and two buses. Mrs. Llodra noted that the Board of Ed can add this money where they want to and not necessarily to these accounts. Mr. Rosenthal said that the town locked in fuel at $2.23. Roll call vote YES (Joseph Borst, Keith Jacobs.) NO (William Rodgers, Timothy Holian, Daniel Amaral, David Brown, Jeffrey Capeci , Joseph DiCandido, Stacie Doyle, Michael Iassogna, Patricia Llodra  Francis Pennarola.) Motion  to amend the main motion failed 2-10.

Roll call vote on main motion YES (Timothy Holian, David Brown, Jeffrey Capeci , Stacie Doyle, Michael Iassogna, Patricia Llodra  Francis Pennarola.). NO (Daniel Amaral, Joseph Borst, Joseph DiCandido, Keith Jacobs, William Rodgers). Motion passed. 7-5.

Mr. Rodgers called a five minute recess at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:10 p.m.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.  Guy Howard, 4 Main Street, said that when Mr. Rodgers said that he encouraged those who voted positively at budget time should go out and vote he hopes  that Mr. Rodgers did not mean that those who voted no did not support the budget. Mr. Rogers said he did not know where the basis formed that members of the Legislative Council do not support the majority action of the Legislative Council. He meant that the public who support the budget should vote for it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mrs. Llodra thanks Mr. Holian for his service during Mr. Rodgers’ absence. The other members concur.


ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 9:30  p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk